innovation for the journey
innovation for the journey
PsiTek LLC: innovation for the journey
PsiTek LLC:innovationfor the journey

  innovate.   research.   develop.   manufacture.

A practical, knowledge-guided approach to innovation is important.  Combine it with smart prototyping and efficient manufacturing, and the time and financial investment needed for a successful new product launch can be reduced.


The development team at PsiTek can work in concert with your in-house engineering and marketing or independently - to improve the performance of products you already manufacture or source - or to create brand new products for new markets.  


Manufacturing capability is also available - to study price, performance, placement and promotion before moving to large-scale production at your facility.

The PsiTek approach to Applied Research and Development is to:

  • generate, evaluate and select the most promising concepts,
  • identify uncertain features of the selected concept,
  • reduce the uncertainty of those features to satisfactory levels, by design, fabrication and test of engineering models, and sales, marketing and safety agency prototypes.

To quote any phase of your next development project - get in touch with the team by clicking the Contact Us tab located at the upper right of this page or click here to find out more.

Issued US Patents on kitchen appliance technology are available for licensing - and can be found on the Design and Production Services page.


Click "more" to learn more about our product experience and range of innovation services.


Contact Us

PsiTek LLC

Manufacturing Innovations

Van Nuys, CA. 91405


p: +1 626 437 5921

f: +1 818 208 9306





Recent Innovations

Radiant Convection Baffle

To review prior art and claims of our issued patents, click Design and Production Services.


Expanded Website

Now you can find information about all of our products and services online.



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